Neque sunt voluptatibus repellat pariatur ut enim. Eveniet rerum suscipit eveniet amet dignissimos. Doloremque et distinctio quod molestiae ut.
Fabrizio Fabbri has taken over the management of the company from his father Osvaldo, who operated as a tank costructor.
Tanks costructos were semi-artisan welding companies for heating oil tanks, which until the 1980’s served every home and which were made replaced by metan gas distribution.
In 1992 Fabrizio Fabbri reorganized the activities of Nuova Faos, with legal head office in Pesaro and the production plant in San Giovanni in Marignano and reconverts the production to metallurgical and mechanical engineering company for the construction of medium-heavy structures like frames, beams etc., for different sectors: working machines for wood, plastic, aluminum, glass, marble, agricultural machines, drilling rigs, pharmaceutical and molding machines, etc.